Saturday, April 11, 2009


In my haste to start talking about my experiences yesterday, I neglected to introduce myself. At first I didn't want to do this. I wanted this blog to not be about me, but only my weird happenings. I decided that I played a part in these hauntings, or whatever they are, so you should probably know who I am.

My name is Jason Bellows. I'm 16 years old, and I live with my mom and dad, my older sister, Dana, and my younger sister, Zoe. We live in Yorba Linda, California, but I'm not going to go into any more detail than that. Our house is two stories, but not huge or anything. Upstairs there are two bedrooms, mine and my sisters', and a pretty good sized bathroom we share. Downstairs has my parents' master bedroom and another room we use as a spare TV room in case not everyone wants to watch the same thing. There's also the living room and kitchen, of course.

I bring up the entire house because I've started noticing weird happenings in whichever room I'm in. As far as I can tell, I'm the only one experiencing this stuff, so I'm not sure if I'm crazy or what. I'll get to all that later. For now I'll tell you what happened last week that really got me wondering.

It was sometime around midnight, and I'd only crawled into bed a few minutes before. I had a big project due the next day for my Language Arts class, and it'd taken longer than I thought it would. I'd finished, and I was right between that wired-from-work state and exhaustion when I lay down to sleep. The knocking, of course, chose that moment to start.

"Shut up!" I yelled in a whisper voice, and to my surprise, it did. I lay there for a few minutes, ready for more knocks to come, but after a little bit, I relaxed. That was when I heard something say my name, plain as day, as if someone were standing next to my bed. I sat up and looked around, but there was no one. You might think that maybe my parents had been talking downstairs and their voices had carried up through the vents or something, but I know that can't be the case. First, why would I just hear my name and nothing else? Second, I've lived in this house my whole life--heck, I've lived in this room my whole life--and I've never heard voices carry into here. No, something had been in here with me.

I got up and checked all around my room. I even made sure my computer, iPod, and stereo system were all off. I couldn't find anything that would have said my name, even if it had just been a coincidence. I climbed back into bed and turned off the light, and the voice came back. This time is said, "Good night, Jason." Let me tell you, it wasn't a very good night after that. I think I fell asleep a few hours later, but it wasn't restful, that's for sure. Though I was awake, the voice didn't come back. That night, anyway.

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