Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Apparition

I almost changed the name of this blog from Weird Happenings to My House is Haunted. I was pretty sure it was when I started this last Friday, but now there's no doubt. I'd been hoping to build up to this with all the strange stuff that led up to last Friday, but I can't hold today in any longer.

On Wednesday afternoons I get home an hour or so before anyone else. Today, though, when I came in the front door, I could sense someone else was home. I didn't think anything of it; I figured one of my sisters had come home early. I wandered towards the kitchen for a snack and yelled that I was home. No one answered, but I felt someone behind me. I turned, expecting to see Dana or Zoe coming towards me with an iPod on. Instead a man stood halfway between the front door and kitchen, just a few feet from me. I got goosebumps all over my body and felt a frigid blast of cold air assault me.

The man stood about six feet tall, not too much bigger than me. He had shaggy brown hair that looked to be matted down with something wet and sticky. Something red ran down the side of his neck. Blood? Looked like it, but he didn't seem to be in any pain. He threw off a bad vibe, and my first thought was that I'd walked in on a burglary attempt. But then he winked at me, grinned, and disappeared. A minute or two later, the air rose back to a normal temperature.

I don't know how long I stood there replaying the scene in my mind. That had been a ghost, right? I mean, what else could it be? First I had to keep myself from screaming and rushing out of the house, but when I got a hold of myself, I settled down. I did sort of wimp out and stay in the kitchen to do my homework instead of going to my room, but other than that I wasn't really bothered.

As I'm up here typing this, though, I'm not feeling as calm, even though nothing's happened in the hours since. I keep thinking about that apparition and what it did. It grinned and winked. Nothing sinister about that. But you didn't see its grin. I gives me the creeps. A few minutes ago I realized my goosebumps still haven't gone away. I doubt I'll be getting much sleep tonight.

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